This past week, I found myself muttering a phrase many of us know from Finding Nemo: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming… When life gets hectic and the to-dos begin to stack up, I’m often tempted to fall back into a “just keep going” mindset. Just keep working, just keep pushing, just keep giving, just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit– And, if I don’t find a practice that offers me some space to breathe, I inevitably crash and find myself feeling adrift and purposeless. So…the practice is really important. Casper ter Kuile teaches that practices with the power to deepen our sense of presence, meaning, and experience have three common traits:
A practice that has all three, ter Kuile says, has the power to “make the invisible connections that make life meaningful, visible.” If you’re interested in creating a practice like this for your own life, I’ll be guiding folks (and myself) through the process at a workshop later this month! More details below. Questions
Weekly frameworks and practices to help you take meaningful action in impactful and sustainable ways.
Hey Reader, A quick request: as we come to the close of the year, I have a reader survey for you! It’ll only take a couple minutes and will help inform what The Wednesday 1-2-3 looks like going forward. 📝 Please complete this short 2024 Reader Survey (And in case it helps: there's a cute tardigrade gif at the end of the survey 😂) Last week I was talking with a friend about burnout – specifically “activist burnout.” He mentioned how folks who engage in activism often go full-speed ahead until...
Hey Reader, At the bottom of today’s email is a free 25-minute mini-workshop I recorded for you. It’s all about how we hold the charge of this moment – the heaviness, fear, unease, and discomfort of it all – in a gentle and intentional way. Just wanted to make sure you saw it 🙂 Alright – onward to today’s prompt: A couple weeks ago, I wrote that we are collectively living in the midst of a disillusioning moment. I defined this experience as: A moment when the illusion of “how the world works”...
Hey Reader, With Thanksgiving Day tomorrow for those of us in the United States, I thought it would be a good time to bring back the Consent/Closeness Matrix, which I first shared about a year ago. Designed by my colleague Catherine Quiring, the Consent/Closeness Matrix is a tool for helping us understand the stories we carry within us and their origins. (If you can't see the image above, you can view it here.) As you look at the matrix, you’ll notice two axes: Low consent - high consent...