From what inner space do you lead? (The Wednesday 1-2-3)

Hey Reader,

This past week, I dedicated some time to re-reading Parker Palmer’s Let Your Life Speak.

It was a book that had a large impact on me back in my college years and I wanted to revisit some of my underlinings and notes. About halfway through, smashed in between my scribbles and my collages of blue and yellow highlighter, was a completely un-marked paragraph.

And it struck me in a way it clearly hadn’t before:

We have places of fear inside of us, but we have other places as well — places with names like trust and hope and faith. We can choose to lead from one of those places, to stand on ground that is not riddled with the fault lines of fear, to move toward others from a place of promise instead of anxiety.

As we stand in one of those places, fear may remain close at hand and our spirits may still tremble. But now we stand on ground that will support us, ground from which we can lead others toward a more trustworthy, more hopeful, more faithful way of being in the world.

In the midst of our current moment, I wonder how this lands for you.

Spend some time with the questions below and, if you have any reflection or thoughts you’d like to share, I’d love to hear them.

❓ Questions

  1. What space in you do you find yourself most leading from these days? What does that feel like? What possibility does that open or close for you?
  2. How in touch with your fear are you? When was the last time you named some of your fears? As you do, what do you feel in your body?

🧰 Resources

👉 "Moving toward others from a place of promise instead of anxiety..."

After watching last week’s presidential debate and noticing how much anxiety I was holding in my body, I’m even more thankful for next month’s Inner Work Cohort.

I really do think now is the time, in the midst of what feels like a collective and tension-filled inhale, to engage practices that help us settle our central nervous systems, not in a way that pacifies us, but emboldens us: that helps us stay in the game and remain present.

Here are some of the things our cohort alumni have shared about their experience in the cohort:

If this resonates with what you’ve been thinking about and feeling in your body, I hope you’ll consider joining.

Hope all is well-enough with you,


IG: @andrewglang

The Wednesday 1-2-3

Inner work frameworks, practices, and questions – all in a five-minute read. Delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning before you even wake up. Written and curated by Andrew Lang.

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