How to Build a Tree: The Wednesday 1-2-3

Hey Reader,

After almost two years of writing a new issue of The Wednesday 1-2-3 every week, I'm taking a short pause this month!

With the October Inner Work Cohort starting up and our family now in school-mode for both our kiddos, this seemed like a good time to temporarily remove something from my plate – but that doesn't mean you won't still get something from me. 🙂

Over the next five weeks, I'll be sending out some of my favorite issues from the past two years. (And the good thing is, because of how many new folks are receiving these emails, most of you have never seen these!)

And I'll still just be an email away, so keep replying and letting me know how things are landing for you.

First up, one of my favorite poems from one of my favorite poets:

If the image doesn't appear, you can access it here.

❓ Questions

  1. What is the next "halting step," however imperfect or poorly planned, you are being invited to take in your life?
  2. How have your grand visions kept you immobilized, frozen from any movement at all?

🧰 Resources

🧩 Community Question

Throughout this month, I'll be including little polls like the one below. The responses help give me an idea for what folks in the Wednesday 1-2-3 community are navigating and how I might support.

Hope all is well-enough with you,


IG: @andrewglang

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The Wednesday 1-2-3

Inner work frameworks, practices, and questions – all in a five-minute read. Delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning before you even wake up. Written and curated by Andrew Lang.

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Hey Reader, This month, I'm taking a pause from writing a new issue of The Wednesday 1-2-3 each week and instead sending out some of my favorites from the past two years. Hope you enjoy! In the middle of reading Rumi's wonderful poem, “A Great Wagon,” there's a stanza that stuck out to me as deeply familiar: Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the...

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Hey Reader, A little while ago, I sent out a poll and you marked that building a daily practice felt vital to you in this season of life. (Which, especially in the midst of our current election, I really resonate with.) If that’s still true for you, I hope you’re considering joining our upcoming cohort. 🙂 No pressure if it doesn’t feel quite right, but I wanted to make one last invitation. More information on the price and whatnots are at the bottom! Here's our prompt for the week: A little...