Self-Connection Doesn't Need to Be Complicated: The Wednesday 1-2-3

Happy Wednesday Reader!

I've written this three times throughout the week and scrapped it each time. And the question I found myself finally asking was: why am I making it this complicated?!

So, instead of what I was planning on sending, here's a teaching on how we can un-complicate the practices that help us feel most internally connected:

1. Teaching

Take a moment and think about the times you feel the most you.

What's happening when these moments occur? Are they planned or do they have a tendency to sneak up on you? Do they help you feel calm and settled or do they help you feel exuberant and bouncy? Or something else completely? (There are no right or wrong answers here!)

A few months ago, I reached out to Jessica Denise Dickson, a brilliant Enneagram teacher, and asked her what inner work practice was feeling most impactful and internally connective for her right now. I expected to hear something very expert-y and Enneagram-specific.

Instead, she shared something so, so beautiful and real:

“My practice is to take time to put oils or lotion on my body.

Embodiment is not only nervous system regulation or somatic practices, but also how we relate to our body and how we’re in relationship with our actual bodies.

This practice gives me the chance to slow down. To feel the texture of my skin and the way it transforms as it’s moisturized. To lovingly nourish every part of my body regardless of how I feel about it. I just start with my face and slowly go down, one body part at a time. It helps me be more aware of my body throughout the day and especially when I touch my soft skin!”

Sometimes we can overcomplicate our attempts to feel at home in ourselves, adding little "shoulds" and "musts" and "it's got to be this one way" narratives.

Instead, this week I invite you to experiment with a simple practice like this one – and perhaps this exact one!

Try it out and see what you notice.

2. Questions

  1. What is something you already do that helps you feel connected with your truest, fullest self? If you don’t already, try thinking of it as a “practice.” How does that shift your approach or posture toward it?
  2. What is an area in your life in which you feel disconnected? What would a daily practice look like that could be re-connective for you?

3. Resources

⏪ If you missed last week's email:

I shared a teaching about "centering" and what that really means.

Want support building (and finally sticking to) a daily practice?

If you're like me at all, you've repeatedly tried to meditate, journal, walk, or workout regularly just to have the routine fall apart after a week or so.

It's a brutal experience.

And it's this experience that led me to start the Inner Work Cohort: I wanted to hold a space where we could develop practices that fit us without all the shame and guilt and self-judgement. No one-size-fits-all solutions; no "this is the one thing that will work;" no attempting to fix or save anything or anybody.

This cohort is about being human. It's about becoming more present to and more connected with the details of our lives.

If this resonates with you, I seriously hope you'll consider joining.

Hope all is well-enough with you,


IG: @andrewglang

The Wednesday 1-2-3

Inner work frameworks, practices, and questions – all in a five-minute read. Delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning before you even wake up. Written and curated by Andrew Lang.

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