🎉 Special Monday Announcement!

Hey Reader,

I know it’s Monday and I don’t usually send emails on these days, but I wanted to let you know that registration is now open for our May Inner Work Cohort!

In short, here’s who this cohort is for and what it's all about:

This cohort is for you if you feel like you’re just going through the motions and want to deepen your experience of meaning and presence in your life.

Over the course of 30 days, we’ll:

  • identify and engage a daily practice that brings together who we are and our sense of who we’re becoming,
  • share and interact with a supportive cohort community of fellow practitioners,
  • come together for nine workshops, including on Internal Family Systems and how to navigate conflict in a more life-honoring way,
  • and experiment with new inner work practices that can open us to a deeper connection to our inner life and personal story.

Here’s what a few of our recent cohort alumni have said about their experiences:

Can’t see the images above? Click here to read testimonials for the cohort.

If you’re reading this and thinking “meh, this doesn’t sound quite right for me,” no worries and no pressure at all to register! I want to make sure this feels like a fit for you and your story.

But if this does sound like something that can support you, I invite you to sign up and join us in May. 🙂


The Wednesday 1-2-3

Inner work frameworks, practices, and questions – all in a five-minute read. Delivered to your inbox every Wednesday morning before you even wake up. Written and curated by Andrew Lang.

Read more from The Wednesday 1-2-3

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