What Does it Mean to Be "On the Hook?": The Wednesday 1-2-3

Happy Wednesday Reader!

Here's 1 teaching, 2 questions, and 3 resources to explore this week:

1. Teaching

What does it mean to be “on the hook?”

The usual response sounds something like this: to be “on the hook” is to be responsible for something or someone. When we’re given a task at work, we’re “on the hook” for its completion. When we’re caring for toddlers at home, we’re “on the hook” for their safety.

But what if being “on the hook” isn’t just about being responsible for something or someone? Instead, what if it’s an invitation to place ourselves in a position to offer the world our full presence and aliveness?

The Tradition of Askıda Ekmek

In Turkey, there is an ancient tradition known as “askıda ekmek” – or “bread on the hook.”

Upon entering a local bakery, folks might see a hook on the wall where people have purchased and left behind an extra loaf of bread for the next person who might need it, but can’t afford it. It’s a cultural tradition of paying it forward.

The bread is “on the hook” – sustenance for those who need it.

So in the spirit of askıda ekmek, what if we saw ourselves – our gifts, our work, our purpose, our posture – as on the hook for our communities?

Not as individuals attempting to be solely responsible for the collective (which can quickly translate to saviorism and paternalism), but as community members offering that which brings us aliveness and fullness to our communities? (In a sustainable, boundary-honoring way, of course.)

Author and entrepreneur Seth Godin writes:

By putting yourself on the hook, you’re performing a generous act. You are sharing insight and love and magic. And the more it spreads, the more it’s worth to all of those who are lucky enough enough to experience your contribution.

2. Questions

  1. How do your share your “insight and love and magic” with others around you? How do you practice being "on the hook” for your community?
  2. If applicable, what has it felt like to attempt to be “on the hook” in a non-sustainable, non-boundaried way? What have you learned from those experiences?

3. Resources

⏪ If you missed last week's email:

I shared a teaching on Mary Oliver's "one wild and precious life."

Hope all is well-enough with you,


P.S. Is there a song lyric, quote, framework, or teaching from an Elder that has made a big impact in your life? If you're willing to share, I would love to hear it (and potentially pass it along!) Just hit "reply" and let me know! 🙂

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Weekly frameworks and practices to help you take meaningful action in impactful and sustainable ways.

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